Legislators Tackle Alabama Gambling Bills

Alabama gambling bills are running out of time, with only seven days left in the 2022 session. Supporters of the bills are trying their best to get approval from their colleagues. However, time is not on their side.
Gambling and lottery should come up at meetings of the Senate and House GOP caucuses on Tuesday. The decisions of the Republicans would be crucial to the gambling bills in the Legislature.
There are two pending packaging. One bill would establish a state lottery. Also, the lottery will benefit college debt relief, bonuses for retired employees, and college scholarships. The other gambling bill will establish a lottery, sports betting, five casinos, and two satellite casinos. Revenue from gambling will fund post-secondary education initiatives.
Alabama Gambling Bills
According to pay per head experts, both bills are constitutional amendments. As a result, they need approval from at least two-thirds of the chambers. Also, they need support from voters.
The last time the Legislature approved a lottery bill was in 1999. However, voters rejected the idea. Other attempts to establish a lottery in Alabama stalled as the topic divided Republicans’ interests.
The second bill needs to overcome House Republicans’ bias against casino gaming. Also, House Speaker Mac McCutcheon doesn’t like the Senate package. On the other hand, the lottery-only bill has the chance to go through Senate.
Pay per head sportsbook sources hoped that a vote on the lottery bill pushes through next week. Also, they are optimistic that it would get the votes from lawmakers. The House Ways and Means General Fund chair Steve Clouse will try to bring the lottery-online bill to the floor.
According to sportsbook PPH reports, passing the bill is complicated. Some lawmakers said they would vote against the lottery-only bill in its current form. Also, some lawmakers want all revenues from the lottery to go to debt relief.