You Should Always Listen to the Pros on PayPerHead Advice

You Can’t Skimp on PayPerHead Services
There is no greater advice than what comes from a testimonial from real clients, and real people. The payperhead industry has exploded over the last couple of years and bookies everywhere are using these services to find an online presence.
Many of the payperhead providers are offering a free website and one that features a sportsbook, racebook, and a virtual casino. We believe that local bookies often get the wrong idea about how a PPH functions, and the cost. A great PPH will cost you between $7-$13 per head, per week. You will never pay for inactive players and you will only pay one fee per week, per active client. Your clients may place as many bets as they choose in the sportsbook, and the racebook. They may also play as much as they wish in the casino, you will not be charged more than the one time per week fee.
Online Bookmakers – What are they saying?
Ron ~ Pittsburg
“I have been a local bookie in the Pittsburgh area for more than 10-years. I love life as a bookie, however, there has been no shortage of difficulties. My biggest hassle was the ‘every morning routine’… If I want to be effective, I must set up the daily side bets along with the daily lines and odds. This is a big task and a cumbersome undertaking. My life as a bookie is a side gig for me. I have other responsibilities in life that take a lot of my time. I was desperate. A couple of years ago I discovered this thing called the ‘pay per head”. I had never heard of a pay per head and knew nothing of what they did, how they functioned, or what they offered. As I read more about them, I started to discover an entire community that existed which I never knew about. I went onto ‘bookie forums’ and read what they were saying, and I saw and heard nothing but positive things about the PPH. I have now been online with a PPH that I love and swear by. They do everything for me and my clients. The business has tripled since signing on. The best part was the free gaming website and the hundreds of options within that website for my gambling clients. I would never go back to the days as a local bookie, on my own.“
Jeremy ~ Boise
“In 2007 when the Boise State Broncos blew up and took on the world in the Fiesta Bowl, they not only changed the program forever, but they also changed my life. I was a bookie here in Boise and most of my clients were friends that I worked with. When the Broncos hit the map and the national scene, I suddenly had much more work than I could have ever imagined. I was forced to do something. I hired A1PPH to help manage my business and it was 10-times better than expected. They do everything for me. They give me a fantastic sportsbook that is loaded with every option that any gambler would ever want or use. They offer a huge racebook that comes with 75-tracks and the best thing, they pay track odds, and I don’t have to do a thing. I earn a great income from my virtual casino. I would never attempt to operate a bookmaking service without the use of a PPH. I easily make double what I was earning before.”
Douglas ~ Las Vegas
“I love my PPH and I would never go back to life as a bookie without them. There are so many great perks. I don’t have to do a thing other than managing my players and keep them here. The price is right, and I have the advantage over players with the best lines and odds.

You can be like the three gentlemen above and have it all for pennies on the dollar. The best PayPerHead providers are offering their services for around $7 per head. To boot, you get a free gaming website and there is never a down payment or any cost beyond that. Turn your earnings around, turn this year around and make the call to a great PPH.
Learn more about Pay Per Head:
A1PPH Highlights Your Strengths and Transforms Your Weakness in Bookmaking
Enduring Qualities of Bookies and Pay Per Heads