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Betting College Basketball Games with Large Point Spreads
Betting on Large Point Spreads in College Basketball Can be Tricky Betting College Basketball games with large point spreads can be daunting. There are many factors a sports betting has to figure into it. This article will touch on a few of them. This is not a...
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Horse Racing Prices
Horse Racing Prices are the Same as Bookmaking at Pay Per Head’s Looking to start an online racebook and need some guidance? Horse racing runs year-round and operating a racebook can therefore be beneficial to bookies. If you’re already running a sportsbook,...
MLB Trade deadline was all we could expect and more
Many Good Moves at MLB Trade Deadline It’s that time of the year again, the MLB All-Star week is well behind, we’re well into the second half of the regular season, and teams are now looking forward to getting all the help they can and finish off their season as...
Bookmaking a Bookmaker
Bookmaking is an old practice that started in Ancient Rome when tycoons wagered on chariot races and gladiator matches. Today, bookies lay odds on various sporting events to make money. But, many amateurs don’t know how to bookmark. Read on to learn more about...
Tennis Stars Not Attending the Tokyo Olympics
Despite the pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics committee is determined to push through with the games. In just a few days, the best athletes from around the world will be going to represent their home countries in one of the most prestigious athletic competitions in the...